Monday, April 6, 2009

Do your knees hurt when exercising?

Knee pain is a common injury in fitness. What I have found is that the main culprit is usually your SHOES. If you have crappy shoes and you are doing a pretty intense workout just imagine how that can affect your knees, back and even ankles. If you have old shoes or cross training shoes please get some new ones, preferably running shoes. Go to a reputable running store where they actually fit you into the correct shoe for your foot (RunAZ and Soles Sports both give Adventure campers 10% off as well).

IF your knees are bothering you then do modifications of exercises that involve running or jumping. For example, instead of running -brisk walk, instead of jumping - don't jump (i.e., regular squats instead of squat jumps). Once your knees start feeling better you can pick it back up again. Also, ice when you are at home, 20 minutes at a time, once or twice a day. Foam roll, ask me about foam rollers as they are awesome to help stay flexible. As for flexibility, stretch! Try stretching on your own at home. Remember, if you haven't worked out in a while your body will react. The only way to get your knees used to the workout is to do what knees do, i.e., squat for example. Over time it will get better.

Bottom line, you have got to take care of your self from the outside in. When you are working out take care of yourself by utilizing some of the suggestions given above. Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of rest. Look into Juice Plus and Fish Oil and so on, because what you eat or don't eat (lack of certain vitamins and minerals) affects your body as well.

If you try all these suggestions and your knees are out of controlled, inflamed, you can't walk without agonizing pain then see a doctor! You may have a prior existing issue with your knees that you were not aware of until you started working out. It's always a good idea to see a doctor before starting any physical activity. Take care, DAWN