Monday, February 16, 2009

Are YOU working out hard enough? What is your RPE?

Quick tip to determine if YOU are working out hard enough. Use RPE, Rate of Perceived Exertion, stay around a 6 or 7. Of course you will go higher when we do higher intensity type drills, workouts. If you are at a 1, 2, 3, 4, you may as well sit down and have some tea an crumpets:-)

Great article regarding RPE as a way to determine if you are working out hard enough:

The Rating of Perceived Exertion, or RPE, as a way to measure your exercise efforts. This 1-10 scale seems way more complicated than it really is, but it's a great and easy way for anyone to monitor her exercise intensity when doing cardio. What's more? It requires no equipment. Here is how you use it:

RPE What It Means:
0-1 No exertion. The only movement you're getting is pushing buttons on the remote.
2-3 Light exertion. This is how you should feel when you're warming up, cooling down, and stretching.
4-5 Medium exertion. You're breathing a little faster. Your heart is pumping a little faster. You're feeling a little warmer.
6-7 Moderate exertion. You're breathing pretty hard now, you're probably sweating. You can talk, but it's getting tougher.
8-9 Hard exertion. You're breathing really hard and you can only say a few words at a time. You're wondering how long you can go on like this.
10 Hardest exertion. You can not keep this pace for more than a minute. Speaking is impossible. This is your limit.

So get your RPE on!

As you were,
Dawn Franklin, CFF
Chief Fitness Fanatic

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