Friday, June 27, 2008

Fruit Smoothies.....healthy or choose...literally

I recently went back to my hometown of Burton, Michigan to see some old friends. Also, my best friend from high school's little boy was graduating high school! When did THAT happen? You have to stop and smell the roses everyone! As the song goes, "time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking, into the future."

Anyway, I digress...

My friend wanted to pick my fitness brain while I was there, which is fine. But when I told her what she didn't want to hear, she said "You're making me mad!" Hahahahhaha....making her mad because she said she has a fruit smoothie every once and a while and considers them healthy. My response to that was just to make sure she checked out the calories and sugar content. They can be pretty high in sugar and calories if you don't watch out. Read the following example:

Worst Drink:
Jamba Juice Chocolate Moo'd Power Smoothie (30 fl oz)
900 calories
10 g fat
183 g carbs
166 g sugar
Jamba Juice calls it a smoothie; we call it a milk shake. In fact, this beverage contains more sugar than 2 pints of Ben and Jerry's Butter Pecan ice cream.

Hey, an apple tree is healthy...but if you eat the whole tree maybe not so healthy right?
Ok and maybe you wouldn't order a (30 fl oz) Jamba Juice Chocolate Moo'd Power Smoothie. But think of the people that probably do and THEY think it's HEALTHY! It' has fruit in it right? It simply MUST be healthy! Not.

Find out about the sugar content and check out the calories. I suggest getting a smaller ounce cup, add some protein powder, if you use dairy go with low fat plain yogurt or non-fat milk and so on. Remember that fruit is also fairly acidic (some not as much), so that can affect your teeth as well.

So, is it bad? Yes, if you order it bad....Not so bad if you pay attention to what you're ordering. I will say this, Jamba Juice has done a GREAT job marketing that they are healthy. They don't mention that it is YOUR choice to make it healthy.

Drink up (but be aware)!

Yours in fitness,

Dawn Franklin
Want to lose 6-12 pounds in 28 days?
Check out how with Adventure Boot on the link below:

Monday, June 16, 2008

Setting Goals

If you want to achieve anything in life, set goals. I was never one to do this, I just spent my time free falling through life. It kind of went like this: I was born, went to elementary school, then high school, then college, then started a corporate job with EDS (Electronic Data Systems) on a General Motors account, then there was a big blur, then I moved from Michigan to Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh area), then back to Michigan, got some other corporate job with an ad agency, then more of a blur, then out to Chicago (THAT WAS FUN!), then more of a blur, then lost my job and decided "what do I REALLY want to do with my life? What is it that really lights me up and what is it that I just can't help but share with others?" I always wanted to have a job that allowed me to help other people. I just never took the time to sit back and figure out what that would be. Losing my job was a blessing in disguise as that is when I started looking into personal training. With 'spare time' on my hands I went through an intensive 6 month personal training program in Chicago. Right from the beginning I LOVED it! It was kind of a blur in the beginning, but then I started setting goals for myself.

AND I started WRITING DOWN MY GOALS. The funny thing is, when I wrote down my goals, I achieved them! What? Wow! What a concept, I thought. Things were not such a big blur anymore. It is a simple tool to help give you clarity. You can use goals to achieve your fitness goals as well. Below is a 12 step strategy to reaching your goals, whatever they may's a list I received in one of my many personal growth classes I have taken over the years. Try may start reaching YOUR goals!

1. DESIRE - Have a genuine desire before you ever set a goal.
2. BELIEF - Make certain that you believe you can achieve this goal, but make it a stretch to accomplish.
3. WRITE IT DOWN - I cannot stress this one enough.
4. BENEFITS - List the benefits for yourself, your family, and others, that will result from your reaching this goal
5. ANALYZE - Analyze the steps you will need to take to accomplish the goal.
6. DEADLINE - You must set a firm deadline, or is just a wish.
7. OBSTACLES - What do you anticipate will get in your way. How will you handle each one as it occurs. There will always be obstacles, don't let them surprise you.
8. KNOWLEDGE - Acquire all the knowledge you will need to know (from books, tapes, courses, and people that you can learn from)
9. PEOPLE - Find the people that can help you.
10. PLAN - Use steps 7,8, & 9 to develop a clear plan to reach your goal.
11. PICTURE - Visualize yourself as already arrived; every single day! See and feel the accomplished goal as if it has already been done!
12. PERSIST - Never give up! Never give up! Never give up! Keep on striving until you reach your goal - whatever it may be!


Dawn Franklin
Want to lose 6-12 pounds in 28 days?
Join Ahwatukee Adventure Boot on the link below:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lose Weight While You Sleep

Being a part of Adventure Boot Camp awards me the benefits of access to many other trainers around the world. With that, my campers and readers benefit as well. All of the camps are independently owned but we learn so much from each other and from John Spencer Ellis who started the camps. One of my mentors is Kelli Calabrese, who I had the pleasure of going through training with (you must get certified to teach and own and Adventure Boot Camp). With that being said, she is a pluthera of information and she found this article from WebMD that I too would love to share with all of you. I was just talking about this the other day with some campers and it is a GREAT article about sleep (thank you Kelli):

Kellis states, "There is so much research that supports the evidence regarding lack of sleep and weight gain. Lack of sleep not only leaves you feeling tired, in a fog, and low on energy, but it stimulates your appetite. If you find that you are constantly hungry - even after you have just eaten and never seem to be able to quench your appetite, try sleeping more.Read this article from Web MD to see the facts:"

The Dream Diet: Losing Weight While You SleepCan more sleep really help us control our weight? Three top experts explore the possibilities.By Colette BouchezWebMD Weight Loss Clinic-FeatureReviewed by Leonard J. Sonne, MDLose weight while you sleep. It sounds like something you'd hear on a late night infomercial -- just around the time you are reaching for that bag of cookies because, well, you can't sleep.But as wild as the idea sounds, substantial medical evidence suggests some fascinating links between sleep and weight. Researchers say that how much you sleep and quite possibility the quality of your sleep may silently orchestrate a symphony of hormonal activity tied to your appetite."One of the more interesting ideas that has been smoldering and is now gaining momentum is the appreciation of the fact that sleep and sleep disruption do remarkable things to the body -- including possibly influencing our weight," says David Rapoport, MD, associate professor and director of the Sleep Medicine Program at the New York University School of Medicine in New York City.

While doctors have long known that many hormones are affected by sleep, Rapoport says it wasn't until recently that appetite entered the picture. What brought it into focus, he says, was research on the hormones leptin and ghrelin. First, doctors say that both can influence our appetite. And studies show that production of both may be influenced by how much or how little we sleep.In fact, have you ever experienced a sleepless night followed by a day when no matter what you ate you never felt full or satisfied? If so, then you have experienced the workings of leptin and ghrelin.How Hormones Affect Your SleepLeptin and ghrelin work in a kind of "checks and balances" system to control feelings of hunger and fullness, explains Michael Breus, PhD, a faculty member of the Atlanta School of Sleep Medicine and director of The Sleep Disorders Centers of Southeastern Lung Care in Atlanta. Ghrelin, which is produced in the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates appetite, while leptin, produced in fat cells, sends a signal to the brain when you are full.So what's the connection to sleep? "When you don't get enough sleep, it drives leptin levels down, which means you don't feel as satisfied after you eat. Lack of sleep also causes ghrelin levels to rise, which means your appetite is stimulated, so you want more food," Breus tells WebMD.The two combined, he says, can set the stage for overeating, which in turn may lead to weight gain.

Studies: Those Who Sleep Less Often Weigh MoreHow the hormones leptin and ghrelin set the stage for overeating was recently explored in two studies conducted at the University of Chicago in Illinois and at Stanford University in California.In the Chicago study, doctors measured levels of leptin and ghrelin in 12 healthy men. They also noted their hunger and appetite levels. Soon after, the men were subjected to two days of sleep deprivation followed by two days of extended sleep. During this time doctors continued to monitor hormone levels, appetite, and activity.Studies: Those Who Sleep Less Often Weigh More continued...The end result: When sleep was restricted, leptin levels went down and ghrelin levels went up. Not surprisingly, the men's appetite also increased proportionally. Their desire for high carbohydrate, calorie-dense foods increased by a whopping 45%.It was in the Stanford study, however, that the more provocative meaning of the leptin-ghrelin effect came to light. In this research -- a joint project between Stanford and the University of Wisconsin -- about 1,000 volunteers reported the number of hours they slept each night. Doctors then measured their levels of ghrelin and leptin, as well as charted their weight.

The result: Those who slept less than eight hours a night not only had lower levels of leptin and higher levels of ghrelin, but they also had a higher level of body fat. What's more, that level of body fat seemed to correlate with their sleep patterns. Specifically, those who slept the fewest hours per night weighed the most.

Eating and Sleep Apnea: The New ConnectionAs a result of these and other studies, researchers began to theorize that getting more sleep just might be the answer to society's burgeoning waistline. But before you trade the cost of your gym membership for a pricey new mattress, take note: Experts also say the relationship is not as obvious as it seems.The reason: Enter the somewhat mysterious nocturnal ailment known as "obstructive sleep apnea." People with sleep apnea may stop breathing for up to a minute, sometimes hundreds of times during the night while sleeping, says Dominic Roca, MD, director of the Connecticut Center for Sleep Medicine at Stamford Hospital. Though the exact cause of the problem remains unknown, Roca and others believe that in most instances physical abnormalities inside the mouth and neck cause the soft tissue in the rear of the throat to collapse. This briefly closes off air passages many times during a night, causing disruption in breathing and a tendency to snore.

The end result: Although you may go to bed early and think you are getting a good night's rest, the disruption in breathing prevents you from getting deep sleep. Eight hours of disrupted shut eye can leave you feeling like you had only four."You wake up feeling tired and continue to feel tired all day," Roca tells WebMD.The Link Between Sleep Apnea and WeightSo what does sleep apnea have to do with weight gain?First, says Roca, patients who suffer from sleep apnea are more likely to be obese. However, studies show they do not have the usual low leptin levels associated with being overweight. In fact, Roca says that folks with sleep apnea have uncharacteristically high levels of leptin.What's more, when their apnea is treated, leptin levels drop -- and somehow that helps them to lose weight."I've had about thirty patients who, when successfully treated for their sleep apnea were able to lose weight -- possibly because they had more energy, so they were more active and they just ate less," says Breus.So why does low leptin seem to cause weight gain in some folks while allowing others to lose weight? One theory says that it may not be the level of this hormone that matters so much as a person's individual response to it. In much the same way that obese people can become resistant to insulin, folks with apnea may be resistant to the fullness signal that leptin sends to the brain."It's like the body is trying to tell them to stop eating, but their brain just isn't getting the message," says Breus.

Another theory: The overall response to leptin may be more individual than we think. Experts say our environment, dietary habits, exercise patterns, personal stress levels, and particularly our genetics may all influence the production of leptin and ghrelin, as well as our response to them.The fact that we just don't know causes at least some experts to view all the research on sleep and weight with a cautious or skeptical eye."There is a serious challenge to the closing of the loop. That isn't to say that what we know about leptin and ghrelin is not important, or that when we finally do understand it that it won't be crystal clear -- but right now it just isn't," Rapoport tells WebMD.Breus agrees: "I think we are likely to find that bad sleep matters but that it's likely to be bad sleep plus some other problems. I don't think we know what they are yet."

Sleep: You Can't LoseUntil doctors do know more, most experts agree that if you are dieting, logging in a few extra hours of sleep a week is not a bad idea, particularly if you get six hours of sleep or less a night. You may just discover that you aren't as hungry, or that you have lessened your craving for sugary, calorie-dense foods."One thing I have seen is that once a person is not as tired, they don't need to rely on sweet foods and high carbohydrate snacks to keep them awake -- and that automatically translates into eating fewer calories," says Breus.If, on the other hand, you already sleep a lot, or you increase your sleep and feel even more tired, you should talk to your doctor. Experts say you may be one of the thousands of people with undiagnosed sleep apnea.Says Roca: "As research continues, more and more data comes to the forefront to suggest that you simply can't cut back on sleep without paying some price." End

So, get to bed! It will do your body good. If you are in my boot camp you need the sleep to help your body recover from your workouts. If you are not used to going to bed earlier, just start slow...tonight go to bed a half hour earlier, then shoot for an hour and so on. Also, make your room really really dark, if there is too much light around it throws off your brain (your lids aren't going to do it). I am actually planning on going out and getting some kind of eye lid covers or whatever they are called.

Take care of yourselves,

Want to lose 6-12 pounds in 28 days?
Join the #1 Outdoor Fitness Program in AZ!
Ahwatukee Adventure Boot Camp:

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

To weigh your self is futile.....

The scale for many years has been drilled into our heads as a GREAT way to determine how our fitness program is working out. I mean, it's even used on THE BIGGEST LOSER program. No more, especially for the ladies, no more. If you are reading this blog entry right now, take a moment to walk into your bathroom, grab your scale, walk to your kitchen and toss it into the trash where it belongs:-) Better yet, grab your purse, your keys, hop into the car and drive to the nearest dumpster and chuck it in there.....ah, freedom!

From now on in my bootcamps I will weigh my ladies the first day of camp and then never again...I have trained too long now to know this is a number that women ponder over day after day. The only reason you need to weigh is if you are doing some kind of body fat test. The best measurement tools are these: how you look, how you feel, how your clothes are fitting. Taking a few simple measurments is useful as well.

LISTEN UP AND LISTEN UP GOOD LADIES: the number on the scale is NOT how much fat you measures your TOTAL WEIGHT. The scale measures your total fat, muscle, bone and connective tissues. So stop obsessing with the scale, it's not worth it.

Judge your success by how consistent you are with your workouts....did you make it to all of your workouts this week? Judge your success by asking, did I eat clean this week? Do my pants feel looser? Can I do more pushups now than when I first started Ahwatukee Boot Camp? Did my timed mile improve after 4 weeks of Ahwatukee Adventure Boot Camp?

There was a time in my life when I was trying to get back into shape. I was a size 13/14 and 170 lbs. There was a point when I lost 1 or 2 pant sizes and NO WEIGHT at all and I didn't care because I lost 2 pant sizes and I was feeling great! Right now I weigh 140 pounds....that's right...some people have guessed that I weigh 120 pounds! No way! I would feel sick if I weighed 120 pounds. The more I try and get into shape, the more my weight actually goes up...and that's ok because it is LEAN MUSCLE. Remember that 1 pound of muscle burns approximately 50 to 60 calories when you are just sitting down! However, 1 pound of fat only burns approximately 5 or 6 calories when are just sitting down. Bring on the MUSCLE! I'll Take It! "Thank you, may I have some more please?"

So, you could gain 1 pound of muscle and lose 1 pound of fat and the scale will show you have not lost a pound. But you have just increased your metabolism because that 1 pound of muscle will burn 50 to 60 calories at rest. The more you build lean muscle, the more you become a fat burning machine!

So ladies....stop the obsession TODAY!

Yours in Fitness, DAWN

Want to lose inches and burn fat in 28 days?
Join the #1 Outdoor Fitness Program in AZ!