Thursday, October 30, 2008

Healthy Tips AND what I ate the other day!

Clients ask me from time to time what I eat during the day, so I thought I would share with you what I ate yesterday. It was a crazy busy day and most of my meals would be considered "on the go" meals. Yet, I still managed to eat healthy at times when it would have been easy to make the excuse that "I don't have time" to eat right.....

Meal#1 (snack)
I usually grab one Cliff Kids "ZBar" before my 5:30a.m. boot camp. You don't want to crazy and eat these all day but it's better that not eating anything. You get your carbs and your proteins in an easy to grab bar.

Meal #2
After camp (within 60 minutes of the workout) I had oatmeal with dried cranberries, a few walnuts and some ground blueberry flax seed. The old fashioned oatmeal, not that instant stuff. Sometimes I also have a side of scrambled eggs (one whole egg and two egg whites). This particular day I was out of eggs. I lightly spray the pan with Canola or Olive Oil spray.

Meal #3 (snack)
This was a strange yet healthy"snack". A serving size of cottage cheese, a little bit of whole wheat cereal (the squares), a few blueberries (a power berry) and a little bit of mandarin oranges. It was actually quite good! I had some protein, carbs and fruit! Remember, fruits and vegetables are considered carbs too....contains fiber as well.

Meal #4
Trader Joe's has some quick and healthy meals, so I usually grab a few that I can heat up in the microwave. This particular items is called "stuffed pepper".....3 minutes in the microwave an you get your carbs, protein and even a vegetable. There are two in a pack and I had one, put the other one in the refrigerator and had it the next day. Hey, if you like to cook that is wonderful. I don't mind cooking, as long as it's made healthy and fast.

Meal #5 (snack)
This was kind of a lame snack but I was running out the door and had to grab 'something'. Besides, a banana is a much better choice than running to a fast food joint and getting a burger any day.

Meal #6
I had a portion size of chicken (lightly breaded...healthy version from Trader Joe's), asparagus, and spinach salad with dried cranberries, cut of mozzarella, walnuts and balsamic vinaigrette.
(you can flip flop meals 5 and 6 so your last meal of day not so big)
Of course I had my water throughout the day and my Juice Plus. I usually eat every 3 hours to keep my metabolism going. Keep that fat burning machine burning all! :-)

I was recently asked by a freelance reporter some questions for an online article she is writing...below are her questions and my answers. I thought I would share them with you. Enjoy!

"Hi Dawn,
I’m a freelance writer for MainStreet – a new site from – and I’m writing about different ways people can slip healthy habits into a work week (such as taking the stairs not the elevator, packing healthy snacks, etc.). It would be great to get you to weigh in on this sometime before Friday morning. I’ve attached a few questions below.
Thanks so much, Alina"

Can you tell me three ways people can fit in a healthy alternative into their daily/weekly routines (please explain why that’s a healthy option)?
1. Cook your food in bulk on Sundays and Wednesdays, then keep all the extra food in the refrigerator/freezer. Then pack your food the night before each work day. Most work places have refrigerators and microwaves available. It's all about setting yourself up for success with eating. If you plan ahead and make it convenient for yourself you will be able to eat right even when you are rushed at work. So on Sunday, cook up or prepare enough food to last you until Wednesday. Then on Wednesday do the same. You just need to pack your bag the night before. This type of convenience is a lot better than the fast food or restaurant option. We tend to get so busy at work (or at home if you are a stay at home mommy) that our gut reaction is to "run out and grab something." Also, get a stop watch or a timer (or set cell phone to vibrate) and have it go off every 3 to 4 hours. This way won't get so caught up in work that you forget to eat.

2. Schedule your workouts and treat it like an appointment. Women in particular would NEVER cancel their hair or nail appointment....treat your workout like a hair or nail appointment. Men can do the same, think of something you would never cancel.
3. Get real with yourself.....working out and eating right is not rocket science. If you are looking to lose weight or begin to live a more healthy lifestyle you don't have to eat like a bird, you just have to make healthier choices. For example, before you eat that 1200 calorie slice of cheese cake ask your self, "Self, is this the most healthy choice I can make today?Instead opt to share that 1200 calorie slice of cheese cake with a couple of friends. Savor every bite!
Why is it important to stay healthy during a busy work week and what’s the best thing to remember?
With all the technology we have today....cell phones, computers, ipods.....everything moves at lightening speed these days. We have all got to learn to slow down and make sure we are taking care of our mind, body and soul. The day starts at 8a.m. and it goes by SO FAST that some of you leave work feeling hungry and warn down. Then you have to go home and do work around the house. Some of you have to cook, clean, help the kids with homework and so on. You must learn how to balance your work day, eating right, getting a good workout in so you CAN go home and be productive and 'present' around those you love. Remember, you "work to live" instead of "live to work." Find the balance.

Have a great DAY!
Dawn Franklin
Chief Fitness Fanatic

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

TOP TEN Excuses for not starting an exercise program...Really Though?

I've been in the fitness industry now for almost a decade and I've heard every excuse in the book and here is my version of David Letterman's "Top Ten List" :

Top TEN Excuses for not starting a workout program:

10. I'm too tired to work out

9. I've got children

8. I don't have the money

7. I don't like to sweat

6. I can't get up that early

5. I'm too busy/ don't have time

4. Exercise is boring

3. I'm too intimidated to go to the gym

2. I can't get motivated

.....and the #1 Reason to not start a workout program that can help you become healthy, fit, energized and confident.....

1. I have to get into shape first!

Really though? Are you going to keep on making excuses or are you going to carve out 1 hour a day, 5 days a week to become healthier, happier, lose inches and gain confidence?! There are ladies taking my Adventure Boot Camp and they are from all over....Tempe, Ahwatukee (Phoenix), and Chandler. The ones that make NO EXCUSES and have signed up for the outdoor fitness program here in Phoenix are the ones making GREAT strides with their health and fitness. Not only with their appearance but with their health. Blood pressure going down, cholesterol going down and so on. The ones with the best results are also the ones that are working on how they eat every day. Eating out 5 nights a week is not going to help you reach your goals, having a greasy burger a few times a week will not help either. Really, it's not rocket all know what to do and we/you/me all need to stop making excuses and start taking care of ourselves. "If you don't take care of your body, where else will you live?"

Take Care everyone,

Dawn Franklin

Want to lose 5-15 pounds in 28 days?
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Monday, October 13, 2008

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff.

SIDE NOTE: Good News! Coming Adventure Boot Camp in CHANDLER! You found the blog for Dawn Franklin Adventure Boot Camp of Ahwatukee and soon, Chandler. My current camp is also known as "Ahwatukee Boot Camp" or "Ahwatukee Adventure Boot Camp". With this expansion I wanted to change the name slightly but all my camps will be ADVENTURE boot camps, part of the largest boot camp program in the world.....Your life, Your body, Your ADVENTURE! There are over 10 independently owned and certified Adventure Boot Camps here in Arizona and over 200 in the U.S. and around the world. To find an Adventure Boot Camp near you, check out


Today I wanted to share with you a book that I read a few years back called "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff .....and It's All Small Stuff." The back cover reads, "....a book that shows you how to keep from letting the little things in life drive you crazy. In thoughtful and insightful language, author Richard Carlson reveals ways to calm down in the midst of your incredibly hurried, stress-filled life. You can learn to put things in perspective by making the small daily changes he suggests, including advice such as "Think of your problems as potential teachers"; "Remember that when you die, your "In" box won't be empty"; and "Do one thing at a time." You should also try to live in the present moment, let others have the glory at times, and lower your tolerance to stress. You can write down your most stubborn positions and see if you can soften them, learn to trust your intuitions, and live each day as if it might be your last. With gentle, supportive suggestions, Dr. Carlson reveals ways to make your actions more peaceful and caring, with the added benefit of making your life more calm and stress-free."

It's a small book and a great read. Part of living a healthy lifestyle is creating peace within yourself. You can eat right and exercise but if you are always stressed and never get sleep, that will of course affect your health. Take care and enjoy the read!

Dawn Franklin
Healthy Lifestyle Expert
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