Monday, July 28, 2008

ADVENTURE Boot Camp uses EPOC training for RESULTS!

Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)

The Wikipedia definition of EPOC : “Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) is a measurably increased rate of oxygen intake following strenuous activity.”What type of exercise, aerobic or anaerobic, produces the largest EPOC response? A quote from Wikipedia: “all studies comparing the two show that anaerobic exercise increases EPOC more than aerobic exercise does.”Resistance exercise (strength training - includes body weight training) is primarily anaerobic. What type of resistance exercise, standard or circuit, produces the largest EPOC response? One study by Murphy and Swartzkopf (1992)1 compared standard resistance training and circuit resistance training. The circuit resistance training produced the larger EPOC response compared to the standard resistance training. The type of training that produces a larger EPOC response is the type of training we do at Dawn Franklin ADVENTURE Boot Camp for women (Ahwatukee Boot Camp).

Our aim is to safely increase exercise intensity over a period of weeks to a high level. We do this by working the muscles on one exercise and then quickly moving to the next exercise. You slowly build up to this training. Each individual will go to an intensity level that will be appropriate for them, one the person feels she or he can reasonably handle. No time is wasted. We eliminate rest; you rest when you go home.

You will be surprised how hard you will be breathing after such a workout. You will increase strength, flexibility, tone, muscle, cardiovascular ability, and produce a larger EPOC response – you will burn more calories during and after the workout. This is an incredibly efficient workout, as it affects so many factors of good health in such a short amount of time. If you don’t have time to exercise or if you hate exercise but know you have to do it this is the type of exercise that produces the most bang with minimal time in the gym.

Excerpts from: 1 Murphy, E. and Swartzkopf, R. 1992. Effects of standard set and circuit weight training on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. Journal of Applied Sport Science Research, 6(2), 88-91.


So, ladies of Dawn Franklin ADVENTURE Boot Camp of Ahwatukee, enjoy your EPOC training!

And remember: Fitness boot camps are not about military exercises which are designed to break you down and build you back up. Adventure Boot camps are about appropriate, challenging, fun and safe exercises that will sculpt your body the right way as quickly as possible.


Dawn Franklin
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Want to lose weight? Use a food journal! Write it down!

Dieters (or those looking to eat healthy) who write down everything they eat each day lose twice as much weight as those who don’t, according to one of the largest weight-loss studies ever conducted.

According to a new study found in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, dieters who kept a food diary lost an average of 18 pounds in 6 months while dieters who didn’t only lost 9 pounds. The big losers also attended weekly group sessions and exercised more than those who didn’t lose as much.

Nancy Clark, MS, RD says to write it down:
"Keep accurate food records of every morsel and drop for three days, if not more. Record why you eat. Are you hungry, stressed or bored? Include the time and amount you exercise as well. Evaluate your patterns for potentially fattening habits such as skimping at breakfast, nibbling all day, overeating at night because you've become too hungry, entertaining yourself with food when you're bored, or rewarding yourself with chocolate when you're stressed.

Pay careful attention to your mood when eating. If you eat for reasons other than to obtain fuel, you need to recognize that food should only be fuel. Like a drug, food should not be abused. Food becomes dangerously fattening when it is eaten for entertainment, comfort, or stress reduction. And no amount of any food will solve your problems."

Well said Nancy Clark, well said!

As I have said before to my campers in boot camp...."write it down, it will hold you accountable for what you put in your mouth every day. Be aware of what you eat, don't just eat mindlessly."

Well said Dawn Franklin, well said!

As your were.....

Dawn Franklin
Adventure Boot Camp
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pictures from the Adventure Boot Camp Big Give!

Hello all! What a great success!
For those of you that were able to make it to the first annual Adventure Boot Camp Gives Back event, we raised close to $10,000! Look for this same event next year! These are some pictures from the event which took place at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale. Proceeds from the event will help to rebuild playgrounds and physical education programs for children in the Phoenix area. As well as raise awareness on the importance of embracing an active lifestyle at any age.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Want to increase body fat in your abdomen, rump and thighs? Eat TRANS FATS!

Hey, I don't know what YOUR goals are with fitness but here is a tip....IF it is to increase body fat in your abdomen, rump and thighs, eat lots of TRANS FATS! IF not, then read this article I found....oh and maybe watch your fast food intake:-)

I recently picked up a local monthly publication called "Your Health" and decided to give it a read. There is one article in particular that caught my eye and it was written by Keri Glassman, MS, RD, is a portion of what was written:


"In New York City and Boston, there are two things you can't do in restaruants-smoke a cigarette or eat foods made with trans fats. The evidence against trans fat is compelling. According to a study done at Wake Forest University, consuming trans fats can lead to weight gain even when a person is eating the recommended daily amount of calories. Trans fats redistribute body fat to the abdomen, rump and thighs, which transform a person's figure into the "apple" shape that is linked to a higher incidence of diabetes, heart disease and cancers. Trans fast are synthesized fats (in a precess called "hydrogenation"), which makes them more cost effective to use in baked products, margarine and other packaged goods such as chips. Because they are not found in nature, they have an even greater negative effect than saturated fats on our health.

It's best to avoid these altogether. Manufacturers are now labeling products as "trans fat free" to let consumers know they have replaced the trans fat with a healthier alternative. The best option? Prepare your own baked products at home by replacing any source of saturated or trans fat with canola oil. By doing so, you also will have more control over the sugar content and calories." by Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN

There you have it folks! I have a McDonald's hamburger and fries that I bought last year, August of 2007. That trans fat filled happy fun time meal has been in my closet and currently resides in my car. It has NO MOLD and has not decomposed at all. In fact, the hamburger is hard as a rock! The fries are too! Basically it looks like plastic....imagine what it is doing in your body! Yuck!

Ok, have fun at lunch today....:-)

Yours in Fitness,

Dawn Franklin
Who else wants to lose 6-12 pounds/inches in 28 days?
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Monday, July 7, 2008

A "Post July 4th Holiday" Workout

I wasn't sure what to post today as I too am recovering from the July 4th holiday. Not to mention that July 3rd was my 29th birthday! I went to Dave and Busters with some friends on my birthday...THAT was fun. Basically an adult Disneyland! If you have never been there, you should go...I found that I am not a very good race car driver but I still had fun.

This is my week off of my boot camp, Ahwatukee Adventure Boot Camp. With that, my campers also have a week off. My suggestion is to rest during this week off but it is ok to do some activities as long as you don't push your body as much as you do in camp. Your body needs this recovery time to repair itself in order to build lean muscle.

What I thought I would do is provide a really basic full body workout that you can do 3 times a week in about 10 minutes. Throw in some cardio at the end and you have a pretty simple fat burning workout.

Every exercise is 25 continuaous reps (no rest):

1.Pushups - perform 1 regular or modified pushup, rest at the top one beat, then 2 pushups in a row, rest at the top one beat, then do 3 pushups in a row, etc.....until you reach 25. Note: Lead with your chest, not your head (you are not bobbing for apples)...keep your hips up. Pull your belly button in toward your spine.

2. Regular crunch - perform 1 crunch, rest one beat, then 2 crunches in a row, rest one beat, then 3 crunches in a row....etc...until you reach 25 crunches in a row. Note: Pull your belly button in toward your spine, keep your chin up.

3. Squats (slow pace) - perform 1 squat, the rest one beat on the down portion of the squat, then 2 crunches, rest one beat on the down, then do 3 squats, rest one beat on the down, etc....until you reach 25 squats in a row. Note: Sit back on those squats like you are going to sit down in a chair (push that butt back)...make sure knees are behind your toes or tracking over your second and third toe.

Then do some cardio of your choice...go for a run, treadmill, jumping jacks, jump rope, etc...


Yours in Fitness,

Dawn Franklin
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