Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Drop and give me 10!

Hello all,

One of the biggest challenges I think people face with fitness is staying consistent. In my camp if you miss a few days I will contact you and find out what is going on. A legitimate excuse is if someone gets really sick or went out of town for work. Some not so great excuses I have heard are that they were too tired to get up or lack of time.

Just like when you set up a hair appointment or nail appointment, you set up the time and you go. That is the same idea with fitness....you know you are working out at 5:30 a.m. every morning and you pen it into your calander. If you have goals that you are determined to reach, you will not let anything keep you from making your fitness appointment.

What is the 'secret' to getting into shape, having more energy, shedding some body fat and feeling good about your self? CONSISTENCY!

Yours in Fitness,

Dawn Franklin
Want to lose inches and burn fat?
Join the #1 Outdoor Fitness Program in AZ!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Year two under way!

Year two is underway and we are getting ready to ad more programs and trainers!

Welcome to my blog, my name is Dawn Franklin and I am the local fitness expert in Ahwatukee and the surrounding areas. There have been some AMAZING transformations since the Ahwatukee Adventure Boot Camp started over a year ago. Women dropping inches, weight and GAINING friends! So amazing that we will be expanding soon...so look for that! Also, we will soon be starting some amazing new programs such as grocery shopping tours, kitchen raids and one on one nutrition!

I'll update this blog as much as possible...providing some fitness and nutrition tips, along with motivation! If you are not yet a camper, enjoy the information provided here and sign up for our free eNewsletter at http://www.ahwatukeebootcamp.com/

Yours in Fitness,

Dawn Franklin - Healthy Lifestyle Expert