Monday, August 18, 2008

Quantum Wellness

Hello all:

I'm reading a good book right now by Kathy Freston called "Quantum Wellness". I'm not a vegetarian, but she has some good recipes for vegetarians in her book. It is a really good book about having or maintaining a healthy body, mind and spirit. On page 160 she has a section called "Accept What Is".

Part of this section reads:
"When we try to keep fear at bay because we think it would be better to "let it go" or "be brave," we actually feed the energy of the very thing that stands in the way of our progress. Suppressing difficult feelings is hard work.
It's time to open up, to go deep. Every time you are tempted to shut down, breathe deeply and listen. Find compassion for the parts of you that are suffering. Facing the suffering is what will alleviate the fear, not turning away from it. In fact, when you do this, when you face your fear, you discover that there is nothing to fear, because the worst is happening and you are actually okay."
That is good information as we all have tough situations that arise in our lives. Loved ones pass away, sickness comes into your life, you lose your job after many years of service, or someone simply runs you off the road. Whatever the case may be, just be in the moment and accept it. As it is said, "This to shall pass."

If you are sore from bootcamp, breathe into it, soak in the tub with some EPSOM salt and drink lots of water! Work through it as you work through other things in your life that seem overwhelmingly difficult at the time.

All my best,

Dawn Franklin
Ahwatukee Adventure Boot Camp
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Monday, August 4, 2008

Meditation - relaxing the mind

I shared the following email with my campers today and thought I would add it to my blog. We all get stressed at times and meditation is a great way to relieve stress, along with exercise.

Hello Campers!

Try this tonight or another night.....

Try meditating.....

Go into your room, make it as dark as you can. Try to get rid of any noise (TV, Radio, ask kids to be quiet)....

Get comfy either lying in your bed or sitting in a chair or sitting indian style on your bed.

Close your eyes and just breath....feel yourself breath in and breath out....just concentrate on your breath. The other thing you can do is say something over and over again so your mind will not wonder (which you will notice it will do). You can also play music, the soothing kind with no words.

Do this for 10 minutes, the the next time try 15...then 20, 30 and 60 minutes. You will be amazed how much this will do for you. Relaxing the mind and giving your mind some relief from everything that goes on inside of it, that is powerful.

So, give it a try! Enjoy and relax the mind.

Yours in Fitness,

Dawn Franklin
Healthy Lifestyle Expert
#1 Outdoor Fitness Boot Camp in Arizona
Largest Boot Camp Program in the World!
ph: 623-640-2680